Welcome to Ohio Organized Play

Your Ohio home for Pathfinder and Starfinder Society.

Our dedicated volunteers organize Paizo roleplaying games several times a week at locations throughout Ohio.  Each month, you can join us for the latest adventures in both Pathfinder SocietyStarfinder Society, and the Adventure Card Society.

We currently have active groups in and around Akron, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, and Toledo.  New and experienced players are always welcome.  

NOTE:  Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, most locations are currently playing exclusively online games.  Games are still being organized through the local lodges, so keep checking our Warhorns for upcoming events.

We also participate in several annual conventions around the state.  For more information, please see our Conventions page.

Society Resources

Where to find the info you are looking for

Guides to Organized Play

Looking for the "House Rules" for Organized Play?  Here's where you can find character creation guides, rewards for playing adventures, and how to be a GM:
Pathfinder 2nd Edition
Pathfinder 1st Edition
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

Paizo Policies

Policies for Paizo Organized Play, including
Code of Conduct
Retail Incentive Program
Event Support

Pathfinder 2nd Edition Resources

Wondering if your character can use the cool thing in the book you just bought?  The Pathfinder Society Additional Resources will show you how you can get access to various races, feats, items, and everything else.

Starfinder Character Options

Ready to take flight in your own space ship and explore the Vast?  Check in with the Starfinder Society Character Options to see what equipment and feats you can select from.

Frequently Asked Questions

Want to register a new character? Rules running together in your head?  Looking for the skinny on AcP? Trying to determine if your cool new character concept will work the way you want?   

Try the Paizo Organized Play FAQ